Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Vatican confirms the authenticity of the tomb of Saint Paul

Vatican announced that it will open the sarcophagus that lies underneath the Basilica San Pablo, outside Rome. Recent excavations seem to confirm that the marble tomb, which was disenterred, indeed has the remains of Saint Paul the Apostle, who converted to Christianity on his way to Damascus after having had a vision.

This confirmation is important both religiously and archeologically: "There is no doubt that the sarcophagus under the ground of the Basilica San Pablo belongs to the Apostle", the Archpriest Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo explained.

Back in 2002, some excavations were initiated that revelead the tomb to the pilgrims. It is estimated to date back to 390 A.D. The slab on the tomb reads "Paulo Apostolo Mart" (Paul, Apostle and Martyr) and has the hole that was done in order to connect the relic with the altar, but also for pilgrims to introduce pieces of cloth to touch the remains.

According to Montezemolo, the intents to see the contents of the sarcophagus through X rays were impeded by the thickness of the marble walls of the coffin, therefore the possibility to open it was put forth.

San Paul, of the town of Tarsus, in present day Turkey, was a great persecutor of Christians, until he embraced the faith himself, through a vision of the Resurrected Christ. After years of fighting for Christianity, for which he was called the Apostle to the Gentiles, he was beheaded in 65 A.D.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Dear friends,

COA wishes you all a most merry and blessed Christmas, and Happy New Year!

May your hearts rejoice as we celebrate the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We have waited it for so long, and it is finally here! Snow!!!

This is our beautiful Christmas tree, and you have now an additional reason to go and admire it as you go up or down that hill from Mead Chapel!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia - 6th of December

December 6. Early morning.

Shhh...most children go and check their boots to see whether "Santa" Nicholas has brought them candy and gifts. This is just one of the "traditions" that people have associated the Saint's figure with; he is also said to appear on a white horse, as a symbol of the first snows at the beginning of December. However, Saint Nicholas was a real person, a bishop from Myra, who lived at the beginning of the 4th century. In addition, he is the patron saint of sailors, children, students, etc.

There are many deeds and miracles that are attributed to him. He is celebrated not only in the Orthodox part of the world, but also in Italy, Hunagry, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, France, Portugal or the Netherlands.

Since we received candy last Saturday, an early gift from Saint Nicholas, it means we have all been good :-)


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas Carols from Romania

Dear friends, we thank you for your presence at the last meeting for 2006! If you click on the link below, you will hear the chorus of one of Stefan Hrusca's latest carol, part of his 2006 Christmas Romania-Canada tour.

Click on the link and you will be redirected automatically to the website, and you will hear the song. After that, click on "Back" on your web browser to return to Middcoa webpage.


Here are links to some other Christmas carols by Stefan Hrusca and Nicolae Furdui-Iancu. In order to be able to listen to them, you have to have Real Player installed on your computer. When you click on the link, the songs download automatically, one at a time, to your "Now Playing" list on Real Player, and start playing.

Stefan Hrusca's warm voice invites the listener to rejoice the miracle of the Nativity of Christ. He is perhaps the epitome of the region he comes from originally, Maramures, in northern Transylvania, Romania. Nowadays he lives in Canada and year after year he tours the world, singing for the Romanian communities.

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Stefan_Hrusca-Zoriori_de_ziua.mp3 "Zoriori de ziua" ~ "Dawn"

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Stefan_Hrusca-Linu-i_lin.mp3 "Linu-i lin"

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Stefan_Hrusca-Florile_dalbe.mp3 "Florile dalbe" ~ "White Flowers"

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Stefan_Hrusca-Trei_pastori.mp3 "Trei pastori" ~ "Three Shepherds"

The carols below originate from the western region of "Tara Motilor", within Transylvania. Some historians consider it to be the haven of the Dacian people...The interpreter, Nicolae Furdui-Iancu is a very popular folk singer, with an impressive voice. Just click on the link and enjoy!

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Furdui-Iancu-O_minune.mp3 "O minune"~"A Miracle"

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Furdui-Iancu-Asta-i_casa_cea_frumoasa.mp3 "Asta-i casa cea frumoasa"~"This is the Beautiful Home"

http://www.romanianvoice.com/sounds/colinde/Furdui-Iancu-Colinda_pastorului.mp3 "Colinda pastorului" ~ "Shepherd's Carol"