Christian Orthodox Vespers at Mead Chapel
We are very grateful to Father Mark Sherman and to those who accompanied him tonight from Saint Jacob of Alaska Church in Northfield Falls!
What a great joy for the COA to have a Vespers service celebrated within the Religious Life Awareness Month!
Many thanks to all of you who came today, and took part in this special celebration!
As you know, on November 8, we celebrate the feast of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, and of all angels,
and on November 9 we celebrate the feast of Saint Nectarios the Thaumaturge of Aegina.
"SEEK GOD daily. But seek Him in your heart, not outside it. And when you find Him, stand with fear and trembling, like the Cherubim and the Seraphim, for your heart has become a throne of God. But in order to find God, become humble as dust before the Lord, for the Lord abhors the proud, whereas He visits those that are humble in heart, wherefore He says: "To whom will I look, but to him that is meek and humble in heart?"
THE DIVINE LIGHT illumines the pure heart and the pure intellect, because these are susceptible to receiving light; whereas impure hearts and intellects, not being susceptible to receiving illumination, have an aversion to the light of knowledge, the light of truth; they like darkness... God loves those who have a pure heart, listens to their prayers, grants them their requests that lead to salvation, reveals Himself to them and teaches the mysteries of the Divine nature."
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